Telemedicine Mobile Application
UX / UI Designer
Mobile iOS
Figma, Miro, Illustrator, Photoshop
Telemedicine can be the solution in many situations where you have to see a doctor, but don't have time to visit a doctor due to a busy schedule or you are in a place where you cannot go to a hospital.

Virtuwell allows people to receive telemedicine services and doctor consultations from within the company office or at home. Virtuwell connects people to the doctor they want in a quick and easy way, no matter where they are, providing professional and in-depth consultation and care to patients.


Problem Statement

Patients who live far from the clinics, have disabilities, or are unable to visit the clinics in person due to busy schedules and see a doctor.


For those who cannot go to the hospital due to their busy schedules and are far from the hospital, the telemedicine app allows them to quickly and easily connect with a doctor and receive professional health care.

Interview Scripts

To have a better understanding of the potential user, I created three different learning goals and questions that are belongs to the each learning goals. I interviewed people by going through multiple questions to get user insights.

User Interview

After interviewing users, we summarized their experiences and thoughts, and each color represents each user. After that, I divided the contents into two categories and organized them. To learn more, click the View all notes button below.
Link to User Interview

Learnings & Findings

After interviewing users, we summarized their experiences and thoughts, and each color represents each user. After that, I divided the contents into two categories and organized them. To learn more, click the View all notes button below.

Target Audience

The target audience is people between the ages of 20-50 who are comfortable using technology and telemedicine and are looking for alternative ways to access health care.
By analyzing the target group, the first persona 'Emily' was created. The second persona 'Michelle' was designed to cover more aspects of the audience.


User Journey

See a doctor and save time in an emergency with a quick and easy procedure.


Usability Testing

Doctor Information
Users want to know how much experience doctors have, so I put years of experience and number of patients in the about section.
What & How To Fix
Most users thought the Experience and Patient sections were buttons and tapped them to read more information about them. To eliminate the confusion, I redesigned it with simple and clear layout. Users want to know what specific majors their doctors have, so I have included detailed major information.
Additional comments
Users fill out additional information about themselves before seeing a doctor so that the doctor can better understand the patient.
What & How To Fix
Users want to be as detailed as possible about their current health condition, giving their doctors clear information. The previous text field was small and there was not enough space to write the amount of text. I made text area input to be more efficient and accessible to users.
Appointment page
On the My Appointments page, users can check upcoming appointments with their doctors and view previous schedules.
What & How To Fix
Previously, it was difficult to see a user's entire calendar at once. I changed the design to a calendar view so that users can see what appointments they have for the month.

Main Features

Users can create new appointments with the quick access button in the center of the home screen. When they select the category of health care, a list of doctors is displayed. Users select a doctor they want, then choose their symptoms, and fill in additional information if necessary to deliver clear information about their health.
After making an appointment, users can view their upcoming appointments by tapping the calendar icon at the bottom or the Upcoming Schedule at the top. On the appointment details page, users slide a button at the bottom to start a video consultation with the doctor.
If users have any questions or concerns about their health, they can send them a message to ask their doctor. Tap the message icon at the bottom, choose a doctor and start a conversation.

Reflection & Takeaways

Rather than proceeding with the project while guessing, it is important to ask questions and hear their opinions directly, and through this process, I can get various solutions that I did not think of. I divided the people who have done telemedicine and those who have never done it before asked questions that were appropriate for each and listened to different perspectives and stories.

Continuous user research, prototype testing, and testing of other users against my expectations was a good process to broaden my perspective and thoughts and inform me what I need to improve.
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