Nice to meet you, I'm Hanseung

I hail from Korea and presently reside in San Francisco. My academic journey led me through the School of Graphic Design at AAU, culminating in a master's degree in Interaction & UI/UX Design. With over five years immersed in a design agency environment, I've honed my skills across diverse domains including user interface design and graphic design. My professional forte lies in UI Design, where my expertise in visual design shines.

Simultaneously, I'm delving into the Art Teaching Credential Program at AAU, delving into the realm of art education. This pursuit broadens my understanding of education, particularly its nuances concerning children.
I'm passionate about exploring the intersection of art and education, and my current studies in the Art Teaching Credential Program at AAU reflect that. Engaging with this program allows me to deepen my understanding of pedagogical approaches tailored to artistic expression, fostering creativity and critical thinking in young learners.